الثلاثاء، 17 يناير 2017

Yet another exploit found on the Samsung Smartcam HD Plus

Samsung’s SmartCam HD Plus security camera hasn’t exactly been off to a flyer since its launch in late 2015. This security camera has been found to be vulnerable to remote hacking in the past. Now, the folks at Exploitee.rs have managed to sneak into the Smartcam yet again, gaining root access to the camera. This is achieved by pushing a firmware update with the malicious file to the camera’s iWatch web cam monitoring service.

Previously, hackers were able to change the admin password on the Smartcam without actually knowing the original password. Knowing that this was a major security concern, Samsung was quick to remove the local web interface of the Smartcam. However, leaving the server wide open meant that hackers could still make their way into the system, allowing for more exploits to be uncovered.

Exploitee.rs has posted its findings online for the world to see. One can only hope that Samsung takes necessary action so as to not cause further worries for the customers.

from SamMobile http://ift.tt/2j3uNu8

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